Jul 2, 2009


this is me when i stay up too late

Well its july 2,2008 and its excactly 12:58 a.m. as you can see i'm up really late! i've been staying up really late these past few weeks and i just can't sleep! last night i went to bed at 4:45 in the morning too and i wasnt tired at all today. i think its because i think about a lot of stuff my mom asks me if its about a boy that i like LOL and i say MAYBE lol. i'm not going to say the name lol. well anyways i had nothing to do right now so i decided to post this on my blog TTYL:)


  1. hey you!! you'r missing out on the fire works! lol. Get up:) Happy 4th of july:)

  2. lol thanks and i went to frisco to see the fireworks lol

  3. ya that was heka fun!!!!! lol & iridian ur retarded 4 putting that pic of urself up!!!!

  4. HAHA! lol ya i know but i had a lot of fun in frisco with the cuzins lol
