Jul 6, 2009

random survey

name: iridian dominguez
nickname: not going to say that
age: 14
birthday: july 11
birthplace: san jose (in a hospital) lol
eye color: brown
hair color: brown
lefty or righty: lefty
what do you drive: ???
color: pink!
music: gospel
sport: soccer
fast food restaurant: in-n-out
food: idk
ice cream: vanilla
cereal: trix
candy: snickers
drink: dr. pepper
{---do you---}
have any siblings: yes 3 brothers
have any pets: yes a dog
have a job: um no
have a cellphone: DUH!
have any special skills or talents: i dont think so
have any fears: yes spiders
have a bedtime: no!
sing in the shower: when no one is home
want to go to college: yes
get along with your parents: yes
{---love and all that stuff---}
ever been in love: yes
are you single: kinda
do you have a crush on someone: yes!
{---this or that---}
fruit or veggie: fruit
black or white: both
lights on or lights off: depends
car or truck: car
strawberries or blueberries: strawberries
{---have you ever---}
danced in a public place: um yea
smiled for no reason: yes lol
laughed so hard you cried: um i think so
talked to someone you dont know: yes all the time
{---random and silly junk---}
ever TP'd someones house: yes
ever egged someones house: yes
how many languages do you speak: 2 english and spanish
ever regret anything: yes lots of things
do you like being tickled: no
what are your goals: getting married and going to heaven
are your fingers tired: no
are you tired of this survey: no
are you happy: kinda


  1. lol yea i was looking at someones blog and decided to post it on my blog lol
